BN Service indien. BN Cat. gén. suppl.. BN Cat. gén.
Internet,, 2018-12-05
The Nation's voice : being a collection of Gandhiji's speeches in England and Sjt.
Mahadev Desai's account of the sojourn : September to December 1931 / ed. by Chakravarti
Rajagopalachar [et al.], 1932
The natl. bibliogr. of Indian lit. / gen. ed. B.S. Kesavan ; V.Y. Kulkarni, 1962,
vol. I, p. 340-341 et p. 500. Dict. of natl. biography / ed. by S.P. Sen, 1974. Encyclopaedia
Indica / J.S. Sharma, 1975. Dict. de la civilisation indienne / par Louis Frédéric,
1987. BEPI, 1992. LCNA, 1985