ARTHRITIS that is induced in experimental animals. Immunological methods and infectious
agents can be used to develop experimental arthritis models. These methods include
injections of stimulators of the immune response, such as an adjuvant (ADJUVANTS,
Note publique d''information :
An experimental model of arthritis that is induced by injecting COLLAGEN to stimulate
the immune response
Note publique d''information :
An experimental model of arthritis that is induced by injecting adjuvants. These adjuvants
generally consists of a mixture of light paraffin oil, emulsifying agent, and infective
agents or antigens, such as killed mycobacteria or bacterial lipopolysaccharides
Note générale sur le champ d'application :
coord with specific type of arthritis if pertinent
Point d'accès autorisé parallèle
Arthritis, Experimental
Identifiants externes
Identifiant MeSH : mesD001169
Utilisation dans FMeSH
Qualificatifs autorisés : DI / PS / IM / MI / DG / PP / RH / EN / ET / MO / EP / BL
/ CF / CI / CN / DH / DT / TH / PX / UR / VI / VE / HI / CL / EC / EM / GE / NU /
RT / EH / PC / PA / ME / CO / SU1991(77); use ARTHRITIS 1977-90; use ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID 1975-76
Informations sur la notice
Identifiant de la notice : 040665917
RCR créateur de la notice : 0001
Date de création : 23-09-1998
RCR dernier modificateur de la notice : 4994
Date de dernière modification : 26-11-2024 à 13 h 20