Documentation Documentation
Identifiant pérenne de la notice : 040691217Copier cet identifiant (PPN)
Notice de type FMeSH

Point d'accès autorisé

Occlusion dentaire

Variantes de point d'accès

Occlusion, Dental
[Nom commun]
Dental Occlusions
[Nom commun]
Occlusions, Dental
[Nom commun]
[Nom commun]
Occlusal Plane
[Nom commun]
Occlusal Planes
[Nom commun]
Plane, Occlusal
[Nom commun]
Planes, Occlusal
[Nom commun]
Canine Guidance
[Nom commun]
Guidance, Canine
[Nom commun]
Occlusal Guidance
[Nom commun]
Guidance, Occlusal
[Nom commun]
Occlusal Guidances
[Nom commun]
Plan d'occlusion
[Nom commun]
Guidance canine
[Nom commun]
Guidance des canines
[Nom commun]
Guidance occlusale
[Nom commun]
[Nom commun]


Note publique d''information : 
The relationship of all the components of the masticatory system in normal function. It has special reference to the position and contact of the maxillary and mandibular teeth for the highest efficiency during the excursive movements of the jaw that are essential for mastication. (From Jablonski, Dictionary of Dentistry, 1992, p556, p472)

Note générale sur le champ d'application : 
MALOCCLUSION & its specifics are also available

Point d'accès autorisé parallèle

Dental Occlusion

Identifiants externes

Identifiant MeSH : mesD003766

Utilisation dans FMeSH


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