A disturbance in the normal fluency and time patterning of speech that is inappropriate
for the individual's age. This disturbance is characterized by frequent repetitions
or prolongations of sounds or syllables. Various other types of speech dysfluencies
may also be involved including interjections, broken words, audible or silent blocking,
circumlocutions, words produced with an excess of physical tension, and monosyllabic
whole word repetitions. Stuttering may occur as a developmental condition in childhood
or as an acquired disorder which may be associated with BRAIN INFARCTIONS and other
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Identifiants externes
Identifiant MeSH : mesD013342
Utilisation dans FMeSH
Qualificatifs autorisés : DI / PS / IM / MI / DG / PP / RH / EN / ET / MO / EP / BL
/ CF / CI / DH / DT / TH / PX / UR / VI / HI / CL / EC / GE / NU / EH / PC / PA /
ME / CO / SU
Informations sur la notice
Identifiant de la notice : 040784738
RCR créateur de la notice : 0001
Date de création : 23-09-1998
RCR dernier modificateur de la notice : 4994
Date de dernière modification : 26-11-2024 à 13 h 42