Documentation Documentation
Identifiant pérenne de la notice : 04078648XCopier cet identifiant (PPN)
Notice de type FMeSH

Point d'accès autorisé

Lambeaux chirurgicaux

Variantes de point d'accès

Flaps, Surgical
[Nom commun]
Surgical Flap
[Nom commun]
Flap, Surgical
[Nom commun]
Lambeau chirurgical
[Nom commun]
Lambeaux (chirurgie)
[Nom commun]
Island Flaps
[Nom commun]
Island Flap
[Nom commun]
Flap, Island
[Nom commun]
Flaps, Island
[Nom commun]
Pedicled Flap
[Nom commun]
Flap, Pedicled
[Nom commun]
Flaps, Pedicled
[Nom commun]
Pedicled Flaps
[Nom commun]
Lambeaux en ilots
[Nom commun]
Lambeau en ilot
[Nom commun]
Lambeaux en îlots
[Nom commun]
Lambeaux insulaires
[Nom commun]
Lambeau pédiculé
[Nom commun]
Lambeaux pédiculés
[Nom commun]
Lambeau chirurgical
[Nom commun]
Lambeaux (chirurgie)
[Nom commun]


Note publique d''information : 
Tongues of skin and subcutaneous tissue, sometimes including muscle, cut away from the underlying parts but often still attached at one end. They retain their own microvasculature which is also transferred to the new site. They are often used in plastic surgery for filling a defect in a neighboring region

Note publique d''information : 
A mass of tissue that has been cut away from its surrounding areas for AUTOLOGOUS TRANSPLANTATION, but it remains attached to its original location via blood vessels only

Note publique d''information : 
A mass of tissue that has been cut away from its surrounding areas for AUTOLOGOUS TRANSPLANTATION, except for its attachment via a strip of tissue containing the blood supply

Note générale sur le champ d'application : 
includes skin & muscle tissue but do not specify site or tissue unless particularly discussed; do not coordinate with TRANSPLANTATION, AUTOLOGOUS

Point d'accès autorisé parallèle

Surgical Flaps

Identifiants externes

Identifiant MeSH : mesD013524

Utilisation dans FMeSH

Qualificatifs autorisés : AE / CL / EC / HI / MI / PS / ST / SD / TD / VE / SN / VI / ES / BS / IM / IR / PA / PH / SU / TR80

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