Documentation Documentation
Identifiant pérenne de la notice : 040794571Copier cet identifiant (PPN)
Notice de type FMeSH

Point d'accès autorisé

Maladie du sommeil

Variantes de point d'accès

African Trypanosomiases
[Nom commun]
Trypanosomiases, African
[Nom commun]
African Trypanosomiasis
[Nom commun]
African Sleeping Sickness
[Nom commun]
African Sleeping Sicknesses
[Nom commun]
Sickness, African Sleeping
[Nom commun]
Sicknesses, African Sleeping
[Nom commun]
Sleeping Sickness, African
[Nom commun]
Sleeping Sicknesses, African
[Nom commun]
[Nom commun]
Léthargie d'Afrique
[Nom commun]
Toxinose du sommeil
[Nom commun]
Trypanosomiase africaine
[Nom commun]
Trypanosomose africaine
[Nom commun]
[Nom commun]
[Nom commun]
Maladie de la mouche tsé-tsé
[Nom commun]
Maladie de la tsé-tsé
[Nom commun]
[Nom commun]
Léthargie d'Afrique
[Nom commun]
Toxinose du sommeil
[Nom commun]
Trypanosomiase africaine
[Nom commun]
Trypanosomose africaine
[Nom commun]


Note publique d''information : 
A disease endemic among people and animals in Central Africa. It is caused by various species of trypanosomes, particularly T. gambiense and T. rhodesiense. Its second host is the TSETSE FLY. Involvement of the central nervous system produces "African sleeping sickness." Nagana is a rapidly fatal trypanosomiasis of horses and other animals

Note générale sur le champ d'application : 
for trypanosomiasis in tropical Africa caused by any species of Trypanosoma; coordinate with NEGLECTED DISEASES if pertinent; coordinate IM with TRYPANOSOMA BRUCEI GAMBIENSE (IM) for Gambian trypanosomiasis; entry term NAGANA: coordinate TRYPANOSOMIASIS, AFRICAN /vet (IM) with specific Trypanosoma species (IM) + animal disease term (IM) + specific animal (IM or NIM) + check tag ANIMALS; specify geographic term pertinent

Point d'accès autorisé parallèle

Trypanosomiasis, African

Identifiants externes

Identifiant MeSH : mesD014353

Utilisation dans FMeSH

Qualificatifs autorisés : DI / PS / IM / MI / DG / PP / RH / EN / ET / TM / MO / EP / BL / CF / CI / CN / DH / DT / TH / PX / UR / VI / VE / HI / CL / EC / EM / GE / NU / RT / EH / PC / PA / ME / CO / SUNAGANA was heading 1991-94; was see under TRYPANOSOMIASIS, AFRICAN 1973-90; was see under TRYPANOSOMIASIS, BOVINE 1968-mid 72

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