Documentation Documentation
Identifiant pérenne de la notice : 040816761Copier cet identifiant (PPN)
Notice de type FMeSH

Point d'accès autorisé

Sténose carotidienne

Variantes de point d'accès

Carotid Stenoses
[Nom commun]
Stenoses, Carotid
[Nom commun]
Stenosis, Carotid
[Nom commun]
Carotid Artery Narrowing
[Nom commun]
Artery Narrowing, Carotid
[Nom commun]
Artery Narrowings, Carotid
[Nom commun]
Carotid Artery Narrowings
[Nom commun]
Narrowing, Carotid Artery
[Nom commun]
Narrowings, Carotid Artery
[Nom commun]
Carotid Artery Stenosis
[Nom commun]
Artery Stenoses, Carotid
[Nom commun]
Artery Stenosis, Carotid
[Nom commun]
Carotid Artery Stenoses
[Nom commun]
Stenoses, Carotid Artery
[Nom commun]
Stenosis, Carotid Artery
[Nom commun]
Sténose de l'artère carotide
[Nom commun]
Internal Carotid Artery Stenosis
[Nom commun]
Common Carotid Artery Stenosis
[Nom commun]
Stenosis, Common Carotid Artery
[Nom commun]
External Carotid Artery Stenosis
[Nom commun]
Stenosis, External Carotid Artery
[Nom commun]
Carotid Artery Plaque
[Nom commun]
Artery Plaque, Carotid
[Nom commun]
Artery Plaques, Carotid
[Nom commun]
Carotid Artery Plaques
[Nom commun]
Plaque, Carotid Artery
[Nom commun]
Plaques, Carotid Artery
[Nom commun]
Carotid Ulcer
[Nom commun]
Carotid Ulcers
[Nom commun]
Ulcer, Carotid
[Nom commun]
Ulcers, Carotid
[Nom commun]
Ulcerating Plaque, Carotid Artery
[Nom commun]
Plaque, Ulcerating, Carotid Artery
[Nom commun]
Carotid Artery Ulcerating Plaque
[Nom commun]
Sténose de l'artère carotide interne
[Nom commun]
Sténose de l'artère carotide commune
[Nom commun]
Sténose de l'artère carotide primitive
[Nom commun]
Sténose de l'artère carotide externe
[Nom commun]
Plaque carotidienne
[Nom commun]
Plaque ulcéreuse carotidienne
[Nom commun]
Ulcère artériel carotidien
[Nom commun]
Ulcère athéromateux carotidien
[Nom commun]
Sténose de l'artère carotide
[Nom commun]


Note publique d''information : 
Narrowing or stricture of any part of the CAROTID ARTERIES, most often due to atherosclerotic plaque formation. Ulcerations may form in atherosclerotic plaques and induce THROMBUS formation. Platelet or cholesterol emboli may arise from stenotic carotid lesions and induce a TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACK; CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT; or temporary blindness (AMAUROSIS FUGAX). (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, pp 822-3)

Note générale sur le champ d'application : 
coordinate IM with specific carotid artery (IM)

Notice d'autorité liée

Point d'accès autorisé parallèle

Carotid Stenosis

Identifiants externes

Identifiant MeSH : mesD016893

Utilisation dans FMeSH

Qualificatifs autorisés : DI / PS / IM / MI / DG / PP / RH / EN / ET / MO / EP / BL / CF / CI / CN / DH / DT / TH / PX / UR / VI / VE / HI / CL / EC / EM / GE / NU / RT / EH / PC / PA / ME / CO / SU1992

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