Documentation Documentation
Identifiant pérenne de la notice : 05084864XCopier cet identifiant (PPN)
Notice de type FMeSH

Point d'accès autorisé

Névrite vestibulaire

Variantes de point d'accès

Neuronitides, Vestibular
[Nom commun]
Vestibular Neuronitides
[Nom commun]
Neuritis, Vestibular
[Nom commun]
Neuritides, Vestibular
[Nom commun]
Vestibular Neuritides
[Nom commun]
Neuronitis, Vestibular
[Nom commun]
Vestibular Nerve Neuritis
[Nom commun]
Nerve Neuritides, Vestibular
[Nom commun]
Nerve Neuritis, Vestibular
[Nom commun]
Neuritides, Vestibular Nerve
[Nom commun]
Neuritis, Vestibular Nerve
[Nom commun]
Vestibular Nerve Neuritides
[Nom commun]
Vestibular Neuritis
[Nom commun]
Epidemic Neurolabyrinthitis
[Nom commun]
Epidemic Neurolabyrinthitides
[Nom commun]
Neurolabyrinthitides, Epidemic
[Nom commun]
Neurolabyrinthitis, Epidemic
[Nom commun]
Vestibular Nerve Inflammation
[Nom commun]
Inflammation, Vestibular Nerve
[Nom commun]
Inflammations, Vestibular Nerve
[Nom commun]
Nerve Inflammation, Vestibular
[Nom commun]
Nerve Inflammations, Vestibular
[Nom commun]
Vestibular Nerve Inflammations
[Nom commun]
Vestibulopathie périphérique
[Nom commun]
Subacute Vestibular Neuritis
[Nom commun]
Neuritides, Subacute Vestibular
[Nom commun]
Neuritis, Subacute Vestibular
[Nom commun]
Subacute Vestibular Neuritides
[Nom commun]
Vestibular Neuritides, Subacute
[Nom commun]
Vestibular Neuritis, Subacute
[Nom commun]
Acute Peripheral Vestibulopathy
[Nom commun]
Acute Peripheral Vestibulopathies
[Nom commun]
Peripheral Vestibulopathies, Acute
[Nom commun]
Peripheral Vestibulopathy, Acute
[Nom commun]
Vestibulopathies, Acute Peripheral
[Nom commun]
Vestibulopathy, Acute Peripheral
[Nom commun]
Acute Vestibular Neuritis
[Nom commun]
Acute Vestibular Neuritides
[Nom commun]
Neuritides, Acute Vestibular
[Nom commun]
Neuritis, Acute Vestibular
[Nom commun]
Vestibular Neuritides, Acute
[Nom commun]
Vestibular Neuritis, Acute
[Nom commun]
Recurrent Vestibular Neuritis
[Nom commun]
Neuritides, Recurrent Vestibular
[Nom commun]
Neuritis, Recurrent Vestibular
[Nom commun]
Recurrent Vestibular Neuritides
[Nom commun]
Vestibular Neuritides, Recurrent
[Nom commun]
Vestibular Neuritis, Recurrent
[Nom commun]
Recurrent Vestibulopathy
[Nom commun]
Recurrent Vestibulopathies
[Nom commun]
Vestibulopathies, Recurrent
[Nom commun]
Vestibulopathy, Recurrent
[Nom commun]
Episodic Recurrent Vertigo
[Nom commun]
Episodic Recurrent Vertigos
[Nom commun]
Recurrent Vertigo, Episodic
[Nom commun]
Recurrent Vertigos, Episodic
[Nom commun]
Vertigo, Episodic Recurrent
[Nom commun]
Vertigos, Episodic Recurrent
[Nom commun]
Vestibular Neuropathy
[Nom commun]
Neuropathies, Vestibular
[Nom commun]
Neuropathy, Vestibular
[Nom commun]
Vestibular Neuropathies
[Nom commun]
Névrite vestibulaire subaiguë
[Nom commun]
Vestibulopathie périphérique aigüe
[Nom commun]
Névrite vestibulaire aiguë
[Nom commun]
Névrite vestibulaire aigüe
[Nom commun]
Syndrome labyrinthique périphérique
[Nom commun]
Vestibulopathie périphérique aiguë
[Nom commun]
Névrite vestibulaire récidivante
[Nom commun]
Vertige épisodique récidivant
[Nom commun]
Vestibulopathie récidivante
[Nom commun]
Neuropathie vestibulaire
[Nom commun]
Vestibulopathie périphérique
[Nom commun]


Note publique d''information : 
Idiopathic inflammation of the VESTIBULAR NERVE, characterized clinically by the acute or subacute onset of VERTIGO; NAUSEA; and imbalance. The COCHLEAR NERVE is typically spared and HEARING LOSS and TINNITUS do not usually occur. Symptoms usually resolve over a period of days to weeks. (Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p304)

Notice d'autorité liée

Point d'accès autorisé parallèle

Vestibular Neuronitis

Identifiants externes

Identifiant MeSH : mesD020338

Utilisation dans FMeSH

Qualificatifs autorisés : DI / PS / IM / MI / DG / PP / RH / EN / ET / MO / EP / BL / CF / CI / CN / DH / DT / TH / PX / UR / VI / VE / HI / CL / EC / EM / GE / NU / RT / EH / PC / PA / ME / CO / SU2000

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