BN Cat. gén. : Lallū Lāla (Kavi). BN Service indien
Encycl. of world Hindi lit. / G.R. Garg, 1986. Internet,, 2001-08-13
: Lallu Lal
General principles of inflection and conjugation in the Bruj B,hak,ha, or the language
spoken by the Hindoos in the country of Bruj, in the district of Go,aliyur, in the
dominions of the Raja of B,hurutpoor, as also in the extensive countries of Bueswara,
B,hudawur, Untur Bed and Boondelk,hund / composed for the use of the Hindoostanee
students by Shree Lulloo Lal Kuvi, B,hak,ha Moonshee in the college of Fort William,
Sacitra Premasāgara / Lallūlālalkr̥ta ; anuvādaka, Paṃ. Jvāla Prasāda Śāstrī, [1999]