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Hess, John L. (1917-2005)

Sur le web


(par souci de protection des données à caractère personnel, le jour et le mois de naissance peuvent ne pas être affichés)
Langue d'expression : anglais
Date de naissance :    27 /  12 /  1917
Date de mort :    21 /  01 /  2005
Genre : Masculin


Note publique d'information : 
Historien, journaliste, gastronome

Identifiants externes

Identifiant VIAF :
Identifiant ISNI : 0000000122124280


Internet, alt.obituaries, 2005-01-23

Information trouvée : John L. Hess, a journalist, essayist and author whose often provocative, even cranky, opinions on subjects from food to France to the First Amendment appeared in The New York Times, a handful of books and radio commentary, died yesterday at the Jewish Home and Hospital in Manhattan. John Hess was born in Salt Lake City on Dec. 27, 1917. His middle initial, L, does not stand for anything.Mr. Hess was a istory major at the University of Utah, then worked as a reporter at The Bisbee Daily Review in Bisbee, Ariz. During World War II, Mr. Hess served in the merchant marine. He then worked for United Press, The Associated Press, The New York Daily News and The New York Post. Mr. Hess joined The Times on its financial copy desk in 1954. After stints as an editor on the foreign copy desk and as a reporter working the night shift in the office, he went to Paris in 1964 to work as a reporter and editor for a Paris edition The Times was starting. He stayed on as a regular correspondent after the enterprise was discontinued.

The case for De Gaulle / John L. Hess, 1968

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