American Pentimento : the invention of Indians and the pursuit of riches / Patricia
Seed, University of Minnesota Press, 2001
Ceremonies of possession in Europe's conquest of the New World, 1492-1640 / Patricia
Seed, 1995
Internet : LCA (06/05/2004)
LC Authorities - (2003-07-28)
Site internet : ; 31.07.2020
Information trouvée : Professor Seed received her Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.After spending
two decades as a history professor at Rice University, she moved to the faculty of
the University of California, Irvine, in 2005. Her specialities include history of
the early modern and colonial European eras, especially in relation to Spanish and
Portuguese-speaking cultures.Specifically, her fields of interest include history
of cartography, comparative history of cartographic design and navigation, large-scale
coastal mapping (e.g., Africa, 15th century), Mercator projection, historical applications
of GIS to portolan charts, Shuttle Radar Topography Mission GIS data, effect of rising
sea levels on West Africa, and Jewish and Islamic influences on the political construction
of Latin America.
Site internet : ; consulté le 31.07.2020 ; liste
de de ses publications
To Love, Honor, and Obey in Colonial Mexico: Conflicts over Marriage Choice, 1574–1821
/ Patricia Seed, 1992