Operaţiunea "autonomous" în România pe vreme de război / Ivor Porter, traducere de
Gorge G. Potra şi Delia Razdolescu, 1991
wikipedia.org, 2012-06-12
Information trouvée : Ivor Forsyth Porter CMG, OBE (12 November 1913 – 29 May 2012) was a British Ambassador
and author. On 1 March 1941, Porter was recruited by SOE, and was one of a covert
three-man mission that was parachuted into Romania in December 1943 to instigate resistance
against the Nazis at "any cost" (Operation Autonomous). He joined the F.O. in May
1946 and has served in London, Washington, D.C., the U.K. delegation to NATO, Cyprus,
as U.K. representative to the Council of Europe, and India. He was ambassador in Senegal
and to the Arms Control Committee in Geneva.