Internet, alt.obituaries, 2005-02-26
Information trouvée : John Michael Ziman was born in New Zealand on May 16 1925. He took a doctorate in
Mathematics and Physics at Balliol. He remained at Oxford as a junior lecturer in
Mathematics and from 1953 as a Pressed Steel Company research fellow. In 1954, he
was appointed to a lectureship in Physics at Cambridge, where he also took up a fellowship
at King's. There he carried out fundamental research into the theory of electrical
and magnetic properties of solid and liquid metals In 1964 he was appointed Professor
of Theoretical Physics at Bristol University and in 1968 published his first philosophical
book, Public Knowledge. Ziman was one of the founders and, from 1976 to 1990, chairman
of the Council for Science and Society. On his retirement in 1982, Ziman took up a
visiting professorship at Imperial College, and in 1986 he became founding director
of the Science Policy Support Group From 1994 Ziman was convener of the Epistemology
Group, which studies the evolution of knowledge and invention. He was chairman of
the Council of Science and Society from 1976 to 1990 and chairman of the European
Association for the Study f Science and Society from 1982 to 1986. He was an active
member of the Pugwash conferences on science and world affairs. John Ziman died on
January 2.
Public knowledge : an essay concerning the social dimension of science / by J. M.
Ziman, 1968