Encyclopaedia of mathematics: an updated and annotated translation of the Soviet "Mathematical
Encyclopaedia" / managing ed. M. Hazewinkel, [Editor-in-chief I. M. Vinogradov], [Translation
arrangements committee V. I. Bityutskov, R. V. Gamkrelidze, Y. V. Prokhorov], 1988-1997
Vadim Ivanovich Bityutskov (1926-1999), Orbituary. (Russian), Theor. Veroyatnost.
i Primenen. 44 (1999), no.3, 895 ; Engl. transl. in "Theory Probab. Appl." 44 (2000),
no.3, 806-807 (with B.A. Sevastyanov)