Internet,, 2021-08-30
Information trouvée : Pandurang Vasudeo Sukhatme, Ph.D. (University of London, 1936), MSC-62
Internet,, 2021-08-30
Information trouvée : Pandurang Vasudeo Sukhatme (1911-07-27/1997-01-28), statisticien, membre de l'American
Statistical Association depuis 1950.
La faim dans le monde et les besoins alimentaires futurs / P. V. Sukhatme, 1962
Sampling theory of surveys with applications / Pandurang V. Sukhatme and Balkrishna
V. Sukhatme, [2nd revised edition 1970]
Information trouvée : Ph.D., Director, Statistics Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations ; Formely Statistical Advisor, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New