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Point d'accès autorisé

The Wind in the willows

Variantes de point d'accès

The annotated Wind in the willows
[Notice de regroupement]
The wind in the windows
[Notice de regroupement]
The open road, from 'The wind in the willows'
[Notice de regroupement]
Lo vent dins los sauses
[Notice de regroupement]
An avel en haleg
[Notice de regroupement]
Le vent dans les saules
[Notice de regroupement]


Langue d'expression : anglais
Date de parution :  1908


Note publique d'information : 
Adventure fiction. Fantasy fiction. The Wild Wood seems a terrifying place to Mole, until he finds it's full of friends - kind, sleepy Badger; brave and lively Ratty; and the irresponsible Mr Toad, famous for his wealth and his car smashes. But there are also the sinister weasels and stoats, and they capture Toad Hall when Mr Toad is in jail. How will he escape? And can the friends fight together to save Toad Hall? A very funny story about friendship, silly japes and messing about in boats - with beautiful illustrations

Notices d'autorité liées

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