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Dissertation sur la validité des ordinations des anglois, et sur la succession des evesques de l'eglise anglicane...

Variantes de point d'accès

A defence of the validity of the English ordinations, and of the succession of the bishops in the Church of England: ... Written in French by the Revd. Father Peter Francis Le Courayer, a letter from the author to the translator, The second edition corrected
[Notice de regroupement]
A defence of the validity of the English ordinations, and of the succession of the bishops in the Church of England Together with proofs justifying the facts advanced in this treatise. Written in French by the Rev. Father Peter Francis Le Courayer... Translated into English by Dan. Williams... To which is prefixed, a letter from the author to the translator
[Notice de regroupement]


Langue d'expression : français
Date de parution :  1725

Notice d'autorité liée

... Références liées : ...