Identifiant pérenne de la notice : 214101835
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Notice de regroupement
Note publique d'information : la 4e de couv. indique : "This book presents, for the first time, a thorough discussion
of the legal aspects of combatting fraud in the Community. Based on analysis of European
and national developments, a study has been made to see whether and how European cooperation
can lead to the harmonization of economic criminal law on a Community level. The first
part deals with both the enforcement duties of the Member States and the supervisory
powers of the European Commission. Based on the activities of the Court of Auditors,
the European Parliament and the European Commission, an analysis is made of the Community's
anti-fraud policy. The second part deals with the already existing legal provisions
in Germany, France, Belgium and the Netherlands wich enable penalties to be imposed
in cases of fraud against the Community. In the appendices, documents have been included
from EEC institutions which deal with the problem of fraud against the Community."