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Long Non-coding RNAs in Human Disease


Langue d'expression : anglais
Date de parution :  2016


Note publique d'information : 
This volume focuses on the roles of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in contexts ranging from human cancers to cardiovascular disease and ageing. The role of lncRNAs in X-inactivation and those lncRNAs derived from pseudogenes, past retroelements integrated within the human genome, as well as the role these pseudogene-derived lncRNAs play in cancer development are discussed in detail. Further, the book examines the function of lncRNAs in diseases such as diabetes, in smooth muscle formation, and in the modulation of nuclear receptors, as well as in connection with perspectives on the development of personalized therapeutics. It offers an appealing and insightful resource for scientists and clinicians alike.

Notice d'autorité liée

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