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The Lord Digbies designe to betray Abingdon, carryed on for divers vveeks by an intercourse of letters. Which are here published for the satisfaction of all men, by Sergeant Major Generall Brown. Together with the cipher which the Lord Digby sent him for that purpose
The Lord Digbies designe to betray Abingdon, carryed on for divers vveeks by an intercourse
of letters. Which are here published for the satisfaction of all men, by Sergeant
Major Generall Brown. Together with the cipher which the Lord Digby sent him for that
Variante de point d'accès
The Lord Digbies designe to betray Abingdon
[Notice de regroupement]
Langue d'expression : anglais
Date de parution : 1645
Notice d'autorité liée
Informations sur la notice
Identifiant de la notice : 216799317
RCR créateur de la notice : 0499
Date de création : 22-10-2017
RCR dernier modificateur de la notice : 0499
Date de dernière modification : 29-02-2024 à 01 h 30