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Note publique d'information : "This book provides the readers with a timely guide to the application of biomimetic
principles in architecture and engineering design. As a result of a combined effort
by two internationally recognized authorities, the biologist Werner Nachtigall and
the architect Göran Pohl, the book describes the principles which can be used to compare
nature and technology, and at the same time it presents detailed explanations and
examples showing how biology can be used as a source of inspiration and “translated”
in building and architectural solutions (biomimicry). Even though nature cannot be
directly copied, the living world can provide architects and engineers with a wealth
of analogues and inspirations for their own creative designs. But how can analysis
of natural entities give rise to advanced and sustainable design? By reporting on
the latest bionic design methods and using extensive artwork, the book guides readers
through the field of nature-inspired architecture, offering an extraordinary resource
for professional architects, engineers, designers and urban planners, as well as for
university teachers, researchers and students. Natural evolution is seen throughout
the book as a powerful resource that can serve architecture and design by providing
innovative, optimal and sustainable solutions." (4e de couv.)