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Identifiant pérenne de la notice : 026377438Copier cet identifiant (PPN)
Notice de type Collectivité

Point d'accès autorisé

United States. Office of education (1929-1979)

Variantes de point d'accès

United States. Department of health, education and welfare. Office of education
[Nom de collectivité]
United States. Department of health, education & welfare. Office of education
[Nom de collectivité]
United States. Federal security agency. Office of education
[Nom de collectivité]
United States. Department of the interior. Office of education
[Nom de collectivité]
États-Unis. Department of health, education and welfare. Office of education
[Nom de collectivité]
États-Unis. Department of health, education & welfare. Office of education
[Nom de collectivité]
États-Unis. Federal security agency. Office of education
[Nom de collectivité]
États-Unis. Department of the interior. Office of education
[Nom de collectivité]
Department of health, education and welfare. Office of education (United States)
[Nom de collectivité]
Department of health, education & welfare. Office of education (United States)
[Nom de collectivité]
Federal security agency. Office of education (United States)
[Nom de collectivité]
Department of the interior. Office of education (United States)
[Nom de collectivité]
Office of education (États-Unis)
[Nom de collectivité]
États-Unis. Office of education
[Nom de collectivité]


Langue d'expression : anglais
Pays associé : Etats-Unis d'Amérique
Date de naissance : 1929
Date de mort : 16 -  10 -  1979


Note sur la biographie et les activités : 
Rattaché au Department of the interior de 1929 à 1939, à la Federal security agency de 1939 à 1953 et au Department of health, education and welfare de 1953 à 1979

Identifiants externes

Identifiant VIAF :
Identifiant ISNI : 0000000121920816


Education in the United States : a brief overview / US Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education, 1977


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