Dictionnaire usuel de cinétographie Laban (Labanotation) / Albrecht Knust ; traduit
de l'anglais par Jean Challet et Jacqueline Chalet-Haas, impr. 2011
La Maîtrise du mouvement / Rudolf Laban ; traduit par Jacqueline Challet-Haas et Marion
Bastien, 1994
Terminologie de la danse classique / J. Challet-Haas, 1987
Wikipedia, 2022-07-13
Information trouvée : Jacqueline Challet-Haas (26 December 1934 – 6 July 2022) was a French dancer and professor.
She graduated from the École supérieure d'études chorégraphiques in Paris in 1957.
Challet-Haas became a professor of dance notation at Paris-Sorbonne University from
1984 to 1988 and subsequently taught at Paris 8 University Vincennes-Saint-Denis from
1989 to 1991. On the advice of Quentin Rouillier, she created a class on Labanotation
at the Conservatoire de Paris in 1990. In 1975, Challet-Haas became director of the
Centre national d'écriture du mouvement, founded by Théodore d'Erlanger in 1962. She
became a member of the International Council of Cinetography Laban upon its founding
in 1959 and became honorary vice-president in 2013. In 2010, she began her collaboration
with professor Robert Kaddouch in writing instrumental movements.
https://gw.geneanet.org/60203duvy?n=haas&oc=&p=jacqueline+etiennette, 2022-07-13
Information trouvée : Jacqueline Étiennette HAAS