A grammar of the Italian language, with a copious praxis of moral sentences. To which
is added an English grammar for the use of the Italians. By Joseph Baretti / Baretti,
Giuseppe Marco Antonio. - Farmington Hills, Michigan : Cengage Gale, 2009
BN Cat. gén.
Dizionario biografico universale / G. Garollo, 1907
Information trouvée : Baretti (Giuseppe Marcantonio), né le 22 mars 1716
Easy phraseology for the use of young ladies, who intend to learn the colloquial part
of the Italian language / by Joseph Baretti, 1775
Encicl. italiana
Larousse 19e s.
Le théâtre comique / Carlo Goldoni ; suivi des pamphlets de Carlo Gozzi et Giuseppe
Baretti, 1989
Les Italiens, ou Moeurs et coutumes d'Italie / ouvrage traduit de l'anglais de M.
Baretty, 1773
Lettere familiari / di Giuseppe Baretti a' suoi frateli Filippo, Giovanni e Amedeo,
1763. La frusta letteraria / di Aristarco Scannabue, 1763-1765