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Molloy, Sylvia (1938-2022)

Sur le web


(par souci de protection des données à caractère personnel, le jour et le mois de naissance peuvent ne pas être affichés)
Langue d'expression : espagnol; castillan,anglais
Pays : Argentine
Date de naissance :    19 /  08 /  1938
Date de mort :    14 /  07 /  2022
Genre : Féminin


Note publique d'information : 
Romancière. Critique littéraire. Professeure de littérature comparée

Identifiants externes

Identifiant VIAF :
Identifiant ISNI : 0000000382619239


At face value : autobiographical writing in Spanish America / S. Molloy, 1991

Information trouvée : Enseigne les sciences humaines à la New York University (en 1991)

La femme écrivain dans la société latino-américaine / Luisa Ballesteros Rosas, 1994

Wikipedia, 2022-07-15

Information trouvée : Sylvia Molloy (19 August 1938 – 14 July 2022) was an Argentine professor, author, editor and essayist based in New York. Molloy was born to a Irish father and French mother on 19 August 1938 in Buenos Aires and raised in Argentina, where she grew up speaking English, French and Spanish. She moved to Paris in 1958 and graduated with her PhD in Comparative Literature from the Sorbonne in 1967. olloy then became a Fellow of the Guggenheim Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Social Science Research Council, and the Civitella Ranieri Foundation. She was chair of the Modern Language Association of America in 2001 and the International Institute of Latin American Studies. Molloy was awarded title of Doctor Honoris Causa from Tulane University. She has taught at both Yale and Princeton universities. In 1974 she became the first woman to gain tenure at Princeton University. In 2007, she created the first Master of Fine Arts degree in the United States in creative Spanish writing at New York University where she held the Albert Schweitzer chair of Humanities

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