Mental Retardation, X-Linked, Associated With Marxq28
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X-Linked Mental Retardation and Macroorchidism
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X Linked Mental Retardation and Macroorchidism
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Fragile X Mental Retardation Syndrome
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Martin-Bell Syndrome
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Martin Bell Syndrome
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Syndrome, Martin-Bell
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Fra(X) Syndrome
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Syndrome de Martin-Bell
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Syndrome de l'X fragile
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Syndrome de retard mental du X fragile
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Syndrome du chromosome X-fragile
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FRAXE Syndrome
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FRAXE Syndromes
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Syndrome, FRAXE
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Syndromes, FRAXE
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Mental Retardation, X-Linked, Associated With Fragile Site Fraxe
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Fragile X-F Mental Retardation Syndrome
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Mar (X) Syndrome
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FRAXA Syndrome
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FRAXA Syndromes
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Syndrome, FRAXA
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Syndromes, FRAXA
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Syndrome FRAXE
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Syndrome FRAXA
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Syndrome de Martin-Bell
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Syndrome de l'X fragile
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Syndrome de retard mental du X fragile
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Syndrome du chromosome X-fragile
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Note publique d''information :
A condition characterized genotypically by mutation of the distal end of the long
arm of the X chromosome (at gene loci FRAXA or FRAXE) and phenotypically by cognitive
impairment, hyperactivity, SEIZURES, language delay, and enlargement of the ears,
head, and testes. INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY occurs in nearly all males and roughly 50%
of females with the full mutation of FRAXA. (From Menkes, Textbook of Child Neurology,
5th ed, p226)
Qualificatifs autorisés : DI / PS / IM / MI / DG / PP / RH / EN / ET / MO / EP / BL
/ CF / CI / DH / DT / TH / PX / UR / VI / VE / HI / CL / EC / EM / GE / NU / RT /
EH / PC / PA / ME / CO / SU91(83); was see under SEX CHROMOSOME ABNORMALITIES 1983-90
Informations sur la notice
Identifiant de la notice : 040709078
RCR créateur de la notice : 0001
Date de création : 23-09-1998
RCR dernier modificateur de la notice : 1999
Date de dernière modification : 26-11-2024 à 16 h 03