BN Service indien
Kosha or dictionary of the Sanskrit language / by Amara Singh ; with an English interpretation
and annotations by H. T. Colebrooke, 1989 [reprod. de l'éd. de 1891]
Natl. bibliogr. of Indian lit. / gen. ed. B.S. Kesavan, 1970, vol. 3, p. 339. Cat.
of Sanskrit, Pali and Prakrit books / National library, 1951 : Amara Siṃha. L'Inde
classique / par L. Renou et J. Filliozat, 1947-1953, vol. 2, p. 100. Dict. de la civilisation
indienne / L. Frédéric, 1987. LC Main Cat., 1980