Le secret de la chambre de Rodinsky / Rachel Lichtenstein, Iain Sinclair ; trad.
de l'anglais par Bernard Hoepffner et Marie-Claude Peugeot, 2002
https://rachellichtenstein.com/about/, 2018-05-09
Information trouvée : Rachel Lichtenstein is a British artist, writer and curator who is internationally
known for her books, multi-media projects and artworks that examine place, memory
and identity. She currently combines writing and research with a post as Reader in
Creative Writing at MMU (Manchester Met University) alongside working as an archivist
and historian at London’s oldest Ashkenazi synagogue Sandys Row. Her latest project
involves deep research into Jewish settlement in East London and the Caribbean. Rachel
Lichtenstein is a British artist, writer and curator who is internationally known
for her books, multi-media projects and artworks that examine place, memory and identity.
She currently combines writing and research with a post as Reader in Creative Writing
at MMU (Manchester Met University) alongside working as an archivist and historian
at London’s oldest Ashkenazi synagogue Sandys Row. Her latest project involves deep
research into Jewish settlement in East London and the Caribbean.