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King, David Anthony (1939-.... ; chimiste)

Sur le web


(par souci de protection des données à caractère personnel, le jour et le mois de naissance peuvent ne pas être affichés)
Langue d'expression : anglais
Pays : Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Date de naissance :    1939
Genre : Masculin


Note publique d'information : 
Professeur de chimie physique

Identifiants externes

Identifiant VIAF :
Identifiant ISNI : 0000000122839454


Internet,, 2008-03-13

Internet, 2010-11-25

Information trouvée : Until the end of 2007, Sir David King was Chief Scientific Adviser to HM Government and Head of the Government Office for Science (GO-Science) within the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills. From January 2008 he has been the Director of the Smith School for Enterprise and the Environment, at the University of Oxford. Director of Research in the Department of Chemistry at Cambridge University, and remains active in research into the physics and chemistry of solid surfaces. Sir David King was appointed as the Government's Chief Scientific Adviser and Head of the Office of Science and Technology in October 2000 . Born in South Africa in 1939, and after an early career at the University of Witwatersrand, Imperial College and the University of East Anglia, he became the Brunner Professor of Physical Chemistry at the University of Liverpool in 1974. In 1988, he was appointed 1920 Professor of Physical Chemistry at the University of Cambridge and subsequently became Master of Downing College (1995-2000), and Head of the University Chemistry Department (1993-2000).

The chemical physics of solid surfaces and heterogeneous catalysis. Volume 5, Surface properties of electronic materials, 1988

Information trouvée : Professeur de chimie physique à l'Université de Liverpool en 1988

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