Globalization and history, the evolution of a nineteenth-century atlantic economy
/ Kevin H. O'Rourke and Jeffrey G. Williamson, 2000, Mit Press
Internet,, Page personnelle de
l'auteur, pluc LC
LCNA (en ligne), 2008-10-28 : O'Rourke, Kevin H. (correct form is "Kevin H.")
The spread of modern industry to the periphery since 1871 / ed. by Kevin Hjortshj
[i.e. Hjortshøj] O'Rourke and Jeffrey Gale Williamson, 2017
Une brève histoire du Brexit / Kevin Hjortshøj O'Rourke, 2018
Were Heckscher and Ohlin right ? : putting factor-price-equalization theorem back
into history / Kevin O'Rourke, Jeffrey G. Williamson, 1992