L'anti-Jurassic Park : faire parler l'ADN fossile / Ludovic Orlando, 2005
Origine évolutive et diversification des espèces animales : apports de l'ADN ancien
/ Ludovic Orlando [thèse 2003]
https://cagt.cnrs.fr/orlando-ludovic/, 2022-06-14
Information trouvée : Ludovic is a former student from the Ecole Normale Supérieure of Lyon (1996-2000),
one of the top-5 French universities. First trained as a molecular biologist, he early
became interested in applying computational techniques to DNA sequence data. He graduated
in molecular genetics from the Univ. of Lyon, France in 2003, twenty years after the
first ancient DNA molecule was ever sequenced. He was appointed as a permanent Associate
Professor at ENS Lyon, where he lectured and performed research between 2005 and 2010.
He started his own research group in 2010 at the Centre for GeoGenetics, Univ. of
Copenhagen, Denmark, where he was appointed as a full Professor in ‘Molecular Archaeology’
until 2020. He became a CNRS research director in 2016 and the director of the UMR5288
research department in 2020.