Politics, finance and the role of economics : an essay on the control of public enterprise
/ [by] C. D. Foster, 1971
Information trouvée : A la tête du centre de l'économie urbaine à l'Ecole londonaise d'Economie, et consulttant
spécial au Secrétariat d'Etat, au département Environnement (en 1975)
Wikipedia, 2022-03-02
Information trouvée : Sir Christopher David Foster (30 October 1930 – 18 February 2022) was a British academic
at the University of Oxford and MIT, a professor of economics at the London School
of Economics, a consultant at Coopers & Lybrand and PricewaterhouseCoopers, and a
temporary civil servant. He was educated at Merchant Taylors' School, Northwood and
King's College, Cambridge, where he read History and Economics. Afterwards, he spent
a year as a Harkness fellow at the University of Pennsylvania, before embarking on
a career as an economics don at the University of Manchester and Jesus College, Oxford,
where he led a team studying urban transport problems at the Oxford Institute of Economics
and Statistics. In 1970 he moved to the LSE, eventually rising to become Professor
of Urban Studies and Economics.