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Wakelam, Michael J. O (1955-2020)

Sur le web


(par souci de protection des données à caractère personnel, le jour et le mois de naissance peuvent ne pas être affichés)
Langue d'expression : anglais
Pays : Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Date de naissance :    15 /  07 /  1955
Date de mort :    31 /  03 /  2020
Genre : Masculin


Note publique d'information : 

Identifiants externes

Identifiant VIAF :
Identifiant ORCID : 0000-0003-4059-9276
Identifiant ISNI : 0000000067905876


The cell biology of inositol lipids and phosphates / Michael J. O. Wakelam, 2007, 2020-04-24

Information trouvée : He went to the University of Konstanz in Germany in 1981 for two years of postdoctoral research. In 1985 he moved to a lectureship at Glasgow University, This work came to fruition after he returned to Birmingham University in 1993 as professor of molecular pharmacology at the Institute for Cancer Studies. In 2007 he took over as director of the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council’s Babraham Institute in Cambridge, and also became a fellow of Downing College, Cambridge. Michael John Owen Wakelam, biochemist, born 15 July 1955; died 31 March 2020

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