BN Opale+, 2008-04-07
Internet,, 2019-10-02
Internet,, 2019-10-02
Information trouvée : Zeb-un-Nissa (15 February 1638 – 26 May 1702), was a Mughal princess and the eldest
child of Emperor Aurangzeb and his chief consort Dilras Banu Begum; also a poet, wrote
under the pseudonym of "Makhfi"
The diwan of Zeb-un-Nissa : the first fifty ghazals / rendered from the Persian by
Magan Lal and Jessie Duncan Westbrook, 1954
Izbrannoe / Zebunnisa; Dilʹšod;Anbar-Atyn ; [perevod s uzbekskogo i tadžiksko-persidskogo
Sergeâ Ivanova]; [Sost. Mahbuba Kadyrova], 1983
Избранное / Зебунниса; Дильшод; Анбар-Атын ; [перевод с узбекского и таджикско-персидского
Сергея Иванова]; [Сост. Махбуба Кадырова], 1983