Distributed computing through combinatorial topology / Maurice Herlihy, Dmitry Kozlov,
Sergio Rajsbaum, 2014
Internet, cs.brown.edu/people/faculty/mph.html, 2008-05-19
The art of multiprocessor programming, Maurice Herlihy et Nir Shavit, 2008
http://cs.brown.edu/~mph/, 2018-04-05
Information trouvée : Maurice Peter Herlihy, informaticien, professeur, Computer science department, Brown
university, Providence, R. I., depuis 1998
http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n86822504, 2018-04-05
Information trouvée : Herlihy, Maurice. Forme rejetée : Herlihy, Maurice Peter. Naissance : 1954-01-04
https://mathscinet.ams.org/mathscinet/MRAuthorID/277851, 2018-04-05
Information trouvée : Herlihy, Maurice