Internet, Obituary - Mikhailov, Alexander-Alexandrovich :
[en ligne : 2012-03-29]
Information trouvée : On 1983 September 29, at the age of 95, after a short illness Academician Alexander
Alexandrovich Mikhailov, the patriarch of Russian Soviet astronomy, passed away [...]
He was born in the town of Morshansk on 1888 April 26 [...] having made a speciality
of both astronomy and geodesy [...] In 1947-64 Mikhailov was Director of the USSR
Academy of Sciences Central Astronomical Observatory at Pulkovo [...] He was elected
as an Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1964
Polnoe solnečnoe zatmenie 15 fevrala 1961 goda / A. A. Mihajlov, 1960
Полное солнечное затмение 15 феврала 1961 года / А. А. Михайлов, 1960