Wikipedia, 2023-02-02
Information trouvée : Attilio Labis (5 September 1936 – 26 January 2023) was a French ballet dancer and
teacher. He began his training at the Opéra de Paris when he was nine years old and
rose through the ranks of the school.
Yvette Chauviré, une étoile pour l'exemple [Images animéeS]. 2 / Dominique Delouche,
réal. ; Dominique Frétard, idée orig. ; Florence Clerc, Isabelle Guérin, Sylvie Guillem...
[et al.], danse ; Yvette Chauviré, Henri Sauguet, Rudolf Noureev, particip.. Les cahiers
retrouvés de Nina Vyroubova / Dominique Delouche, réal. ; Nina Vyroubova, Cyril Atanassoff,
Attilio Labis... [et al.], particip., [DL 2005]