Brill's New Pauly [online], 2018-03-12
Information trouvée : Velius [3]
Dict. of Greek and Roman biog. and mythology, 1967: v. 2, p. 806 (Longus, Velius;
known from his treatise De orthographia, still extant)
Internet (
NUC pre-56: v. 340, p. 424 (Longus, Velius)
Oxford class. dict., 2nd ed. : p. 1111 (Velius Longus; early 2nd c. B.C.; scholar;
interested himself in the language of Republican authors)
Pauly-Wissowa: 2. Reihe, 15. Halbbd., col. 632-634; "Velius", #10 (Velius Longus;
Latin grammarian; according to contemporary sources, lived probably in the time of
Velii Longi De orthographia / introduzione, testo critico, traduzione e commento a
cura di Marta Di Napoli, 2011