Internet, (2015-03-23)
Information trouvée : Alice Sophia Eve (born 6 February 1982) is an English actress known for her roles
in the films "Starter for 10" (2006), "Crossing Over" (2009), "She's Out of My League"
(2010), "Sex and the City 2" (2010), "The Raven" (2012), "Men in Black 3" (2012) and
"Star Trek Into Darkness" (2013).
Star Trek into darkness/ J.J. Abrams, réal. ; Gene Roddenberry, aut. adapté ; Roberto
Orci, Alex Kurtzman, Damon Lindelof, scénario ; Michael Giacchino, comp. ; John Cho,
Benedict Cumberbatch, Alice Eve... [et al.], act., 2013