Sunzi bing fa / [Sunzi]. Sun Bin bing fa /[Sun Bin] ; Wu Rusong, Wu Xianlin jiao shi
; Lin Wusun Ying yi [er shu] = Sunzi : The art of war / [by Sunzi]. Sun Bin: The art
of war / [by Sun Bin] ; edited and translated into mondern Chinese by Wu Rusong and
Wu Xianlin ; translated into English by Lin Wusun [for both works], 1999
孙子兵法 / [ 孙子著] ; 吴如嵩, 吴显林校释 ; 林戊荪译. 孙膑兵法 / [孙膑著] ; 吴如嵩, 吴显林校释 [二书] ; 林戊荪译 = Sunzi:
the art of war / [by Sunzi] ; Wu Rusong, Wu Xianlin jiao shi ; Lin Wusun Ying yi.
Sun Bin: the art of war / [by Sun Bin] ; edited and translated into mondern Chinese
by Wu Rusong and Wu Xianlin ; translated into English by Lin Wusun [for both works],