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Huntiing Surveys Ltd (19..-2003)

Variantes de point d'accès

Huntiing Surveys
[Nom de collectivité]
[Nom de collectivité]
Hunting Aerosurveys Ltd
[Nom de collectivité]
Hunting Surveys & Consultants Ltd
[Nom de collectivité]
Hunting Survey Group
[Nom de collectivité]


Date de naissance : 19XX
Date de mort : 2003

Identifiants externes

Identifiant VIAF :


The Times atlas of the oceans [Document cartographique] / edited by Alastair Couper ; [cartography by Huntiing Surveys Ltd]. - Echelles diverses. - London : Times Books ; New York : Van Nostrand Rheinhold, 1983., 2014-07-29

Information trouvée : Hunting Aerosurveys Ltd was a British aerial photography company. Its operations became more diversified under the name Hunting Surveys. The firm incorporated Aerofilms Ltd and the Aircraft Operating Company In 1947 it was using three types of aircraft: Austers, a Percival Proctor and a D. H. Rapide and planned to acquire one or more Percival Mergansers. The company had contracts for work surveying for tin mining in Nigeria; oil in Arabia, Venezuela and Colombia; timber in Ontario; and mapping in Australia. Between 1957 and 1964, Hunting operated a specially converted Auster Autocar for smaller scale aerial survey work. In 1960 the firm was merged with Hunting Geophysics Ltd to form Hunting Surveys Ltd.The Hunting Survey Group's military division became a maker of Trident submarine-launched ballistic missiles. Hunting Surveys & Consultants Ltd announced the appointment of a liquidator in December 2001 and final dissolution in January 2003.

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