(par souci de protection des données à caractère personnel, le jour et le mois de naissance peuvent ne pas être affichés)
Langue d'expression : français
Pays : Etats-Unis d'Amérique
Date de naissance :
26 /
04 /
Date de mort :
26 /
03 /
Genre : Féminin
Note publique d'information :
Professeur de danse à l'Université du Wisconsin. [Margaret Newell H'Doubler (April
26, 1889, Beloit, Kansas – March 26, 1982, Springfield, Missouri) created the first
dance major at the University of Wisconsin.[1] Her dance pedagogy was a blend of expressing
emotions and scientific description. She used her knowledge about the body to help
create movement to express what the dancers were feeling, and wrote five books about
her pedagogy and about the importance of dance in education. Among H'Doubler's students
was Anna Halprin when Halprin was a student at University of Wisconsin in 1938.]