La pornographie, qu'en dit l'Eglise ? / Tebaldo Vinciguerra ; préfaces des cardinaux
Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga et Jean-Pierre Ricardpostface du cardinal George Pell, 2015
Wikipedia, 2023-01-11
Information trouvée : George Pell AC (8 June 1941 – 10 January 2023) was an Australian cardinal of the Catholic
Church. He served as the inaugural prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy between
2014 and 2019, and was a member of the Council of Cardinal Advisers between 2013 and
2018. Ordained a priest in 1966 and bishop in 1987, he was made a cardinal in 2003.
Pell served as the eighth Archbishop of Sydney (2001–2014), the seventh Archbishop
of Melbourne (1996–2001) and an auxiliary bishop of Melbourne (1987–1996). He was
also an author, columnist and public speaker.