Dict. of plant names : in latin, albanian, english, german and french, 2003 (art.
: Lonicera japonica) : lonicéra du Japon
Elsevier's dict. of plant names : in Latin, English, French, German and Italian /
M. Wrobel, G. Creber, 1996 (art. : Lonicera japonica)
Integrated taxonomic information system - https://www.itis.gov (2017-01-10)
Inventaire national du patrimoine naturel - https://inpn.mnhn.fr (2017-01-10)
Le bon jardinier : encycl. horticole. Vol. 2, Dict. des végétaux / J.N. Burte, G.
G. Aymonin, 1992 (art. : Lonicera japonica)
The plant list : Lonicera japonica - http://www.theplantlist.org (2017-01-10)
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