N3 goi supīdo masutā : Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken mondaishū = Quick mastery of N3 vocabulary
: the workbook for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test / Nakajima Tomoko, Matsuta
Yoshiko, Takahashi Naoko kyōcho. - Shohan. - Tōkyō : J Risāchi Shuppan, 2010.
N3 語彙スピードマスター : 日本語能力試験問題集 = Quick mastery of N3 vocabulary : the workbook for the
Japanese Language Proficiency Test / 中島智子・松田佳子・高橋尚子 共著. - 初版. - 東京 : Jリサーチ出版, 2010.
N1 bunpō supīdo masutā : Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken mondaishū = Quick mastery of N1 grammer
[i.e. grammar] : the workbook for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test / Arita Satok
[and others] - Tōkyō : J Risāchi Shuppan; 2011
N1 文法スピードマスター : 日本語能力試験問題集 = Quick mastery of N1 grammer [i.e. grammar] : the workbook
for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test / 有田聡子 [and others] - 東京 : Jリサーチ出版, 2011