Une cible à abattre / Chris Thomson, réal. ; Andy Tennant, scénario ; A. Tennant,
Ed Hunsaker, id. orig. ; Michel Rubini, comp. ; Neil Roach, photo ; Jason Bateman
(Toby Kellogg), Tom Skerritt (Joseph Kellogg), John Glover (Dobbins), Jack Wagner
(Tim Sutcliff)... [et al.], act. . - [Paris] : [Productions et éditions cinématographiques
françaises [éd.]] ; [Neuilly] : [Film office [distrib.]], [1988
Wikipedia, 2020-04-17
Information trouvée : Chynna Gilliam Phillips (born February 12, 1968) is an American singer and actress,
and a member of the vocal group Wilson Phillips.