Het Werkgelegenheidsaspect van het Surinaamse tienjarenplan / Academisch proefschrift...
; door Jules Sedney.... - Amsterdam : J. P. Bakker, 1955.
Wikipedia, 2020-06-20
Information trouvée : Jules Sedney (28 September 1922 – 18 June 2020) was a Surinamese politician, and Prime
Minister of Suriname from 20 November 1969 to 24 December 1973. In 1980 he became
governor of the Central Bank of Suriname. In 1948, he left for Amsterdam where he
studied economics at the University of Amsterdam. During his studies, he joined the
organisation Wie Eegie Sanie (Our Own Things) of Eddy Bruma which aimed to promote
Sranan Tongo and Surinamese culture. He obtained his doctorate in economic sciences
in 1955 at the University of Amsterdam. From 1969 to 1973, Sedney served as Prime
Minister of Suriname