Assessing the impact of the Potassium cycle on stand growth and resource-use in tropical
Eucalypt plantations ˸ a process-based modeling approach / Ivan Cornut ; sous la direction
de Nicolas Delpierre et sous la co-direction Guerric Le maire. Thèse de doctorat :
Biologie : université Paris-Saclay : 2022
Cornut I., Delpierre N., Campoe O., Guillemot J., Laclau J.P., Mareschal L., Nouvellon
Y., Stape J.L., Le Maire G.. 2019. Using process-based modelling to better understand
the impact of mineral (N,P,K) cycles and climate change on stand growth and resource-use
in Eucalypt plantations. Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira, 39 (n.spéc.) : p. 256-257.
IUFRO World Congress 2019 ""Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development"".
25, 2019-09-29/2019-10-05, Curitiba (Brésil)