Documentation Documentation
Identifiant pérenne de la notice : 154374628Copier cet identifiant (PPN)
Notice de type FMeSH

Point d'accès autorisé

Utilisation hors indication

Variantes de point d'accès

Off Label Use
[Nom commun]
Off-Label Uses
[Nom commun]
Off-Label Prescribing
[Nom commun]
Off Label Prescribing
[Nom commun]
Off-Label Prescribings
[Nom commun]
Prescribing, Off-Label
[Nom commun]
Unlabeled Indication
[Nom commun]
Indication, Unlabeled
[Nom commun]
Unlabeled Indications
[Nom commun]
Indication non répertoriée
[Nom commun]
Prescription hors indications
[Nom commun]
Prescription hors indication
[Nom commun]
Prescription hors recommandations
[Nom commun]
Prescription hors recommandation
[Nom commun]
Utilisation hors indications
[Nom commun]
Utilisation hors prescription
[Nom commun]
Utilisation hors recommandations
[Nom commun]
Utilisation hors recommandation
[Nom commun]
Fractional Dose Drug Use
[Nom commun]
Reduced-Dose Drug Use
[Nom commun]
Reduced Dose Drug Use
[Nom commun]
Reduced-Dose Drug Uses
[Nom commun]
Dose-Sparing Drug Use
[Nom commun]
Dose Sparing Drug Use
[Nom commun]
Dose-Sparing Drug Uses
[Nom commun]
Indication non répertoriée
[Nom commun]
Prescription hors indications
[Nom commun]
Prescription hors indication
[Nom commun]
Prescription hors recommandations
[Nom commun]
Prescription hors recommandation
[Nom commun]
Utilisation hors indications
[Nom commun]
Utilisation hors prescription
[Nom commun]
Utilisation hors recommandations
[Nom commun]
Utilisation hors recommandation
[Nom commun]


Note publique d''information : 
The practice of prescribing or using a drug or a vaccine outside the scope of the drug's official approved label as designated by a regulatory agency concerning the treatment of a particular disease or condition

Note générale sur le champ d'application : 
do not confuse with DRUG REPOSITIONING

Point d'accès autorisé parallèle

Off-Label Use

Identifiants externes

Identifiant MeSH : mesD056687

Utilisation dans FMeSH

Qualificatifs autorisés : CL / EC / ES / HI / LJ / NU / SN / ST / VE2010

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